Saturday, January 29, 2011

Round Two


Alright, let's try this again! I started a blog a couple of years ago, and managed to let it slip. A few forgotten passwords, and here we are! A fresh, new start! 
   A lot has happened since the last blog- we've moved to Maryland for TJ to attend nursing school. He is in his last semester, hallelujah! He is doing so well-we all knew he would. He is so smart, and has such a way with people. He will be a great asset to any hospital he works in.
       We also had a daughter! I finally have my little girl! She was born in June, her name is Ava-and goodness is she a peach! It is so much fun to have a little girl! 

  Gabe is in preschool, he loves learning and playing with his friends. Nolan is 2 1/2 now, he has such an amazing vocabulary! No conversation is safe around him-he will repeat anything you say.
Then there's little ol' me- I have been busy taking care of the kids, working at Gabe's school, finding new and exciting recipes, and trying to make sure I can squeeze a shower in every other day...or two.

    So, after Tj graduates in May-we will be moving to San Antonio! We are so glad to be moving (a little) closer to home, closer to the friendly midwestern people, and just a change of pace...