Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Decision

Alright friends,
 Here's the deal, I just left a long message on a friend's blog about a decision I have made. I'd like to share it with you:
I am going to stop looking at working out as a way to loose weight-but instead to be healthy. 

My dear friend Elisabeth told me this a while ago-she works out of course so she can look amazing, but also to be healthy! She has an older daughter, who she wants to never look at exercise as just a way of loosing weight; but as a way to stay healthy, keep your heart strong! You do only have one after all! 
  Having children has only increased my desire to change things about myself. Gosh, these kids are hard on our bodies! It seems with each child your body shifts a bit, weight sits differently even after they're born. Then, when the weight is gone, you are left with saggy boobs and maybe some stretch marks. When you are out in public, no one knows that you've had one,two, or four kids-they just see someone that has a pooch, and some flabby arms. The change that is going to happen, is that I am going to try and be happy with who I am-because I know how I became the person I am. 
   I feel like just maybe, not watching the tick marks on a scale, or stressing out about calories-I just might loose some extra weight. Exercising included, of course! Lets face it, we all are much happier people when we exercise, and sweat a little bit!
  Elisabeth has me hooked on a new workout dvd by- Tracy Anderson. The one I have specifically fallen in love with is the Post Pregnancy dvd. Although, you don't have to have just had a baby to get results, and to "enjoy" it. There are some great ab and leg exercises! Tracy believes that as women, we shouldn't lift more than 3 lbs, ever! Of course, that means more reps-which also means we get a leaner muscle tone! I don't know about you, but I am not in the business of bulking up! Now, Tracy's workout is about an hour long, so it is a little bit more of an investment in your time, but I know you won't be disappointed!
  If you are short on time, I also love Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred! Three different levels, cardio, strength, and abs in each level. All done within 20 minutes! It's an awesome, quick workout-I really enjoy being done after such a short time :) 

   I am a HUGE snacker, and i have a terrible sweet tooth! I've found that keeping a bag of dark chocolate chips (i have 60% cacao) in the fridge helps a TON! When I have a hankering for something sweet, I allow myself to have about four chips. I have never had much self control, so telling myself that I can have some is a good thing-versus "no you can't have that at all!" 
Before I had Ava, I was (and still do) worry a bit about how she will see herself. I was almost admitted to a clinic when I was younger for an eating disorder. I have never been happy with the way my body looks, even when I was at my fittest (thank you soccer and horseback riding!). So, by making this decision-I am hoping that maybe Ava, and the boys, will enjoy exercising and staying healthy. 

Here's to being healthy! 


Saturday, May 28, 2011


Helllooooooo!!! WOAH! So, between tj's graduation, family coming and going-and just the day to day stuff; I have been a total slacker on the blog front!
  I came across this recipe for Vegan cookies yesterday, and man are they good!! I tweaked the recipe just a bit-for some added protein I put some Almond meal/flour ( 1/4 cup per cup of flour that the recipe calls for)-and also some oatmeal (about 1/3 cup or so). I also, didn't have the Oat flour the recipe called for-soooo I just used what I had on hand, white flour (don't judge me-lol)...
 Also, the recipe says bake for 35 minutes! Say whaaaa? I'm not sure if it was because I put the almond flour in or not-but it only takes these babies a good 13 or 14 minutes to bake. I also only had my oven at 320 degrees-not 350 like the recipe asked. My oven can be a bit goofy sometimes-so I always put the temp down a bit!

Here's the original recipe

Cannot for the life of my find my camera- so see the cookies on the website? Imagine those, only better :)
