Monday, March 28, 2011

Ch, ch, ch...Chia! (yes, like chia pets

Let me introduce you to... Chia seeds! Chia seeds, friends-friends, Chia seeds!

 Though TINY, these little boogers are PACKED with goodies! Did you know that just ONE tablespoon, you can get 150% of your daily value of omega-3, and 4 grams of fiber?!! That's right, in just ONE tablespooon! They also contain five times the calcium in milk, two time the potassium in bananas, and three times the anti-oxidants in blueberries! 
  Where do they come from? The typically grow in Southern Mexico, and are a part of the Mint family. 
Chia seeds were a main component of both Mayan and Aztec diets and served as the basic survival food of Aztec warriors. It’s been said that a single tablespoon of the seeds could sustain a warrior for 24 hours.  

        You can do pretty much anything with them- put them in salads or in a protein shake, I use the Arbonne protein powder. It's vegan, it's chocolate (also comes in vanilla), and it tastes darn good! 
Now, here comes the goofy bit-if you add Chia seeds to a liquid, they will become kind of Tapioca-like in texture. If you are a texture sensitive person, mixing them in a drink may not be the route for you! However, don't be afraid to just eat them plain! They are about the size of a poppy seed, and taste kind of like a sesame seed-kind of nutty! 
But when it comes to managing appetite, chia seeds—which have a mild, nutty flavor—are true superstars. The reason? When added to water, within minutes chia forms a gel (tapioca like!). In the stomach, this gel slows the body’s process of converting carbs to sugar. Because of the way they form a gel, the seeds also produce a feeling of fullness in the stomach, so those who eat the seeds soon feel less hungry
             Need to know where to get them? I got mine in the bulk aisle at Whole Foods-LOVE that place! You can also get them Here . A friend of mine also uses chia powder! She also found it Here - she uses it as a flour substitute in things like muffins and bread! If your kids are like my oldest, you have to be a bit sneaky with certain things. If he sees one speck of pepper-he pushes half of the dish aside-where did that kid come from?! Anyway, you can also just half the flour-and replace with the chia powder, GENIUS! When I get the recipe, I will share it! 

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